The Greater Washington Conference on International Affairs is an annual single-day Model United Nations conference for middle school students hosted by the George Washington University International Affairs Society. Founded in 1995, the conference has provided an incomparable learning opportunity for attendees, faculty members, and staffers alike by simulating research, debate, and collaboration on some of the most intricate international complexities of both past and present. The conference’s location on the GWU campus in the heart of the Foggy Bottom neighborhood of Washington DC places delegates in the midst of real-life policy makers, international diplomats, and countless resources that crafts a conference like no other. The conference is completely student-run and calls upon the talents and skills of the GW International Affairs community to provide the best experience for all delegates as well as to build a supportive learning community within the University.
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GWCIA XXIX Secretariat
Emma Milchunes - Secretary-General
Davis Patel - Executive Director
Gowri Nair - Chief of Staff
Lauren Kral - Director of Operations
Harry Liu - Director of Finance
Walker Szczecina - Director of Conference Relations
Charlie Peters - USG of International Bodies
Liana Moldovanu - USG of Regional Bodies
Camila Vargas - USG of Historic and Specialized Committees
Scarlett Metts - USG of Crisis Committees